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All About Fat Transfer

Whether you are looking to treat areas of stubborn and unwanted body fat, fill in areas of lost facial volume due to aging, or give certain parts of your body a more sculpted appearance, fat transfer surgery may be a great option for you.

If you are interested in treating volume loss in your cheeks, lips, or jawline, a fat transfer may help you achieve a natural and lasting result. Although many choose to use facial fillers for a temporary boost in volume, these noninvasive treatments typically only last around one year and need to be repeated to maintain results. If you are looking for a more permanent result, a facial fat transfer can counteract volume loss and give you a more youthful appearance.

A fat transfer may also be a good choice for you if you want to improve the projection of other areas of your body. Some people choose to have fat transferred to their buttocks, hips, or breasts to achieve a fuller appearance.

Another benefit of a fat transfer is that it can increase volume in the areas you desire while also helping you to treat areas of stubborn and unwanted fat which do not go away with diet or exercise. During a fat transfer procedure, fat can be harvested from these stubborn areas before being purified, processed, and transferred to the area you choose.

Because your own fat would be used during a fat transfer as opposed to a foreign material such as an implant or dermal filler, there are minimal risks for having an adverse reaction to the procedure. Additionally, the results of fat transfer procedures are typically permanent in terms of fat harvested and fat transferred. The area from which the fat is harvested is less likely to increase in volume after the cells are removed. Likewise, the fat cells that remain after your initial recovery period from a fat transfer tend to be permanent.

No matter what your goals for treatment are, we are here to help you decide if a fat transfer is a good option for you. If you would like to hear more about fat transfers or would like to schedule a consultation, contact Buffalo Plastic Surgery at 716-821-2935.

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