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Is Kybella Permanent?

Noninvasive treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers, and other injectables have been used for years to combat signs of facial aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. Although these treatments are certainly helpful to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance, they are not able to treat other concerns such as excess fullness. Luckily, Kybella injections are a great option for patients looking to improve the definition of their chin and jawline but do not want to move forward with an invasive surgery such as liposuction.

Kybella is often used to treat submental fullness, or areas of fullness between your chin and neck. Patients often choose to undergo Kybella injections to reduce the appearance of a “double chin” in a noninvasive manner. This treatment is a great way to shape and contour your jawline and provide more definition to your face.

Kybella injections work by breaking up individual fat cells to decrease submental fullness over time. Kybella treatment requires numerous treatment sessions spaced out by a few weeks to see optimal results. The number of treatment sessions you need will also depend on your own anatomy and cosmetic goals. The results of your treatment will start to appear within a few weeks of the injections and improve from that point. Although the results of Kybella are not immediate, results are typically permanent, though may change with health or lifestyle changes and weight fluctuations.

To learn more about Kybella or schedule a consultation, call Buffalo Plastic Surgery at (716) 821-2935.

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