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Kybella® or Chin Liposuction: Which One is Best for Me?

The decision to have any procedure done on your face is a very personal one, so it’s wise to explore all of the available options to determine what is best for your unique situation. While you can usually explore the possibilities during an initial consultation, it is helpful to research your procedure of choice before your meet with a physician.

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Kybella® vs Chin Liposuction

If you’re discontent with your double chin, Kybella® is one option that can help smoothen out your neck and sharpen your jawline. Kybella® contains the synthetic version of a bile molecule, deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body. The body uses this molecule to absorb and metabolize fat, which effectively destroys it. Kybella® is currently the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to reduce or eliminate submental fullness.

Kybella® is recommended for double chins that are small to moderate in fullness and do not have excess sagging and loose skin. While Kybella® can help remove the fat from the chin area, it does not tighten loose skin and in this way is not an effective treatment for removing skin.

Kybella requires multiple treatments, and how many will be based upon how your body responds to treatments and on your consultation with your plastic surgeon. That brings us to liposuction—-which is a single treatment to remove your double chin.

Liposuction has historically been the go-to treatment for the removal of double chin fat. It can be done under local anesthesia, so that you are awake but comfortable during the procedure. It is effective in cases where the patient has moderate or severe fullness and does not want to go to through multiple treatments as is required with Kybella. Chin liposuction has an established and

proven record of excellent results.

How to Choose Between Kybella® and Chin Liposuction

For many patients, the cost of a procedure factors heavily into their treatment choice. While liposuction is a one-time treatment, Kybella® injections are typically repeated routinely for 7 -12 months to obtain optimal results. The cost of Kybella® varies from patient to patient due to several factors including how many sessions are required and how many injections are given at each session. Procedure costs are also impacted by other variables, such as the extent and duration of the surgery. The best way to determine what the price of your procedure will be is to schedule a consultation

with a plastic surgeon. We are happy to offer financing options to help patients afford the treatment that is best suited to their aesthetic goals.

Which treatment is right for you often comes down to how much fat you desire removed from your chin area, the amount of time off you have, and your expectations. A small to moderate amount of fat can be easily handled with Kybella® injections, while removing larger double chins may be more efficiently done with liposuction.

Kybella in Buffalo, NY

Choosing the Right Physician

Regardless of which procedure is best-suited for your particular needs, choosing the right physician is really what determines the success or failure of either method. While both treatment methods have their advantages and disadvantages, whichever one you choose will be able to provide you with long-lasting reduction of submental fullness (double chin) caused by excess fat.
Kybella® Double Chin Removal

Fat deposits that accumulate around and beneath the jawline are typically referred to as a double chin. They can be caused by genetics, weight gain, or simply as a part of the aging process. Unfortunately, this type of fat is usually highly resistant to any sort of diet or exercise.

In the past, liposuction was the only real solution available to get rid of the unwanted fat that causes a double chin. Even though chin liposuction is an effective treatment method, it is a surgical procedure and requires at least two weeks of recovery. Luckily for patients who either cannot or do not want surgery, there is another option. It’s called Kybella®, and it’s the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for double chins.

How Does Kybella® Get Rid of Double Chin Fat?

Kybella® contains the active ingredient deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring molecule that assists in the absorption and metabolism of fat. When Kybella® is injected into the fatty tissue beneath the chin, the deoxycholic acid gets to work metabolizing, and essentially destroying, the cells that are storing the fat. As a result, the submental fullness beneath the chin is significantly reduced and, once the fat cells are destroyed, no further fat accumulation will develop.

What Should I Expect with Kybella® Treatments?

Kybella® is typically administered in multiple treatment sessions about a month apart, with each session involving multiple tiny injections. Each session takes about 20 minutes to complete. The number of sessions you need will depend on your own personal aesthetic goals. During your consultation, the physician will counsel you on the recommended number of treatments to achieve your desired results.

After the procedure, you may notice some bruising, swelling or numbness in the treatment area, but there is usually very little downtime associated with Kybella® treatments.

Because the fat cells have been destroyed, there are no further treatments needed once you’ve reached the look you desire.

Is Kybella® Right for Me?

According to the Kybella® website, there have been numerous clinical studies done to test the reliability of Kybella as double-chin treatment. The results of these studies have been overwhelmingly positive, and over 1,600 people have been successfully treated with the injectable. The ultimate decision, of course, rests with you and your doctor.

Kybella® is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18 or anyone currently pregnant, planning to be pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to breastfeed. It is not yet known what effect, if any, Kybella® has on an unborn baby or if it is passed through breast milk.

Otherwise, if you are a healthy adult and are tired of seeing a double chin every time you look in a mirror, chances are you could benefit from Kybella® treatments.

Choosing a Provider

The most critical decision you’ll need to make after choosing to have Liposuction or Kybella® treatment for double chin removal is the physician who will perform the procedure. Be sure your choice is experienced with Liposuction and Kybella® and has the necessary credentials and expertise to be able to perform either treatment successfully.

If you’ve been dealing with a double chin for a long time, you may be astonished at how much a small change can make in the tone and definition of your jawline. Eliminating your double chin can make you look and feel younger, and can provide a boost in confidence. At Buffalo Plastic Surgery, we are happy to help!

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