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Latest in Cellulite Treatment

What are Qwo Treatment Injections?

It’s finally here, non-invasive treatments for cellulite! Qwo is an injectable treatment for moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of men and women. This is the first FDA-approved injectable treatment for cellulite. Here is why Buffalo Plastic Surgery is excited to introduce this product to our patients: 1. It works, 2. It’s FDA approved, 3. Patients are happy with their results!

What is Cellulite?

Nearly 9 out of 10 women have cellulite and is just a part of our natural biology- it’s not related to weight, types of diets or exercise. Cellulite is not fat and is not due to a lack of exercise or poor diet. There is a combination of three things that cause our skin to dimple: the skin thins over time naturally and with aging, fat cells enlarge and push against this thin skin, and fibrous or tight bands under the skin tend to thicken and cause tension in these areas. QWO works in these 3 ways to release fibrous bands, redistribute fat calls, and stimulate the growth of new collagen.

QWO Before and After Pictures Buffalo, NY

Timeline for Injections

Qwo cellulite injection treatments include a series of 3 appointments spaced out about 3 weeks, or 21 to 30 days apart. The injection procedure takes about 20 minutes and there is no downtime. You can expect to be bruised and swollen after, but you can continue with your normal activities.

QWO Before and After Pictures Buffalo, NY

Side Effects:

The most common side effects include injection site bruising, pain, areas of firmness, itching, redness, discoloration, swelling and warmth in the treatment area.

Are you interested in treating your cellulite? Contact the office today by text, phone call, or email to schedule a consultation! We look forward to treating your cellulite!

(716) 671-3954 FAX:
(716) 407-6483
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