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Popular Cosmetic Procedures for Males in Buffalo, NY

Male Botox® in Buffalo, NYWhen most people think of cosmetic surgery, they assume it’s a woman’s world. However, this could not be farther from the truth. Cosmetic surgery aims to help the individual feel more confident and comfortable in their bodies–a mission that applies to men and women! So if you are curious about some of our most popular male cosmetic surgery procedures, here are a few to keep in mind:

Gynecomastia Surgery

While full, beautiful breasts are the goal for many women, they are not as desirable for many men. Yet, countless men experience the embarrassment and frustration of abnormally large breasts, called gynecomastia. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery exists to help remove excess fat and glandular tissue to create a flatter and more traditionally masculine shape to the chest. This procedure may also be combined with liposuction, depending on the patient’s needs. In many cases, patients feel ready to return to work within one week of their procedure. However, vigorous exercise may be re-incorporated only after approximately three weeks.

Male Liposuction

Believe it or not, liposuction happens to be the most popular male cosmetic procedure, with the abdomen being the most popular treatment area. For those who struggle to get rid of stubborn weight even with proper diet and exercise, liposuction is an effective way to sculpt and trim the body to create a more desirable athletic shape. During the procedure, a thin cannula is inserted to suction out excess fat, leaving you with a svelte physique. Although bruising, swelling and soreness may persist for a few weeks, many patients are able to return to work within a few days.

Male Botox®

Women aren’t the only ones who would rather avoid the lines and wrinkles that signal aging. With Botox®, you can diminish a furrowed brow or frown lines, so that you look as engaged and youthful as you feel. Often, Botox® can improve a patient’s self-esteem and lead to greater confidence at work. There is absolutely no downtime, so you can get back to your routine without delay.

Trust Your Male Cosmetic Procedures to Buffalo Plastic Surgery

Male cosmetic procedures are more popular than ever before. And at Buffalo Plastic Surgery, we strive to help all of our patients look and feel their best–men and women alike. So if you have been considering a male cosmetic procedure and are ready to learn more, we are here for you. Simply contact our office today to get started.

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