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Scar Management after Surgery

Scar formation is a natural and expected result of surgery and is a sign that the body is healing. However, we may still feel self-conscious about the size and appearance of scars.

The appearance and size of a scar after surgery is dependent on a number of variables, such as patient age, underlying health conditions, incision length, adherence to scar management instructions, and the type of skin. Scars will continue to heal and improve over the course of a year, but for optimal wound healing, there are some easy steps you can take after your surgery:

  • Massage the area. Providing pressure to the area can help to reduce inflammation locally, which can improve scar healing. Massaging the area in the months following your surgery with silicone gel or Vitamin E oil will also hydrate the skin to reduce the risk of poor scarring.
  • Protect your scar from the sun! Sun exposure may cause scars to develop dark discoloration. It is important to avoid direct sun exposure on your scars for optimal healing. Keep scars hidden from the sun whenever possible and use sunscreen (SPF of 30 or higher) to protect scars that are exposed to the sun.
  • Hydration is key: dehydration will decrease your overall health and slow down the healing process for your scars. Drinking lots of water and avoiding dehydrating agents such as alcohol will keep your body hydrated to speed up healing.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and second-hand smoke. Smoking cigarettes will slow down your healing and increase your chances of scarring.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight. Gaining a significant amount of weight before or after surgery may interfere with the closure of your incision and increase your chances of scarring.
    Following a healthy diet before and after your surgery will improve your nutrition and healing process.

Baby your wound! Intense movement, such as exercise and stretching, can put stress on your wound and may even cause your incision to reopen. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions for returning to activities post-surgery for best healing results.

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