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Are you looking for a non-invasive treatment to improve the firmness and youthful appearance of your skin? Sofwave is a cutting-edge treatment which uses ultrasound technology to treat fine  lines and wrinkles by inducing your body’s own collagen production. If you are looking for a non-surgical procedure to reduce signs of facial aging, Sofwave may be a good option for you!

What is Sofwave?

Sofwave is a non-invasive treatment which uses ultrasound waves to treat signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Using modern Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology, the  Sofwave device works by heating the tissue at a particular depth and temperature to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers, which serve as building blocks to improve the elasticity and strength of your skin.

What should I expect from a Sofwave treatment?

The Sofwave treatment is a quick, non-invasive procedure which is done without the need for any incisions or anesthesia. The procedure is done inoffice using a handheld Sofwave device to deliver ultrasound waves and heat your desired areas of treatment. The procedure typically takes around 30 to 45 minutes and there is no associated downtime.

What can I expect for my results?

The results of your treatment will depend on your body’s response to the ultrasound energy and subsequent collagen production. Typically, you will begin to see results around the one-week mark  after your treatment and will continue to see improvement in your results for around three months. Although only one treatment is necessary to see results from the procedure, some people may  choose to undergo multiple treatments to see a more dramatic improvement in the youthfulness of their skin.

Is Sofwave a good choice for me?

People typically choose to undergo Sofwave treatment to address concerns about aging skin. As you age, your collagen production naturally declines, which can decrease the firmness and elasticity  of your skin and leave behind fine lines and wrinkles. If you have been considering treatments such as a facelift or necklift but would like a less invasive option, Sofwave is a convenient and safe  way to reduce signs of aging with little to no downtime.

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