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What Is En Bloc Capsulectomy?

Women might choose to have their breast implants removed for many reasons. Some women may feel like their implants are too large, while others might change out their implants over time due to health concerns. Over time, the implants can change position or shape due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, and aging.

The simplest approach is to remove implants while leaving the scar tissue capsule in place. An explant capsulectomy is a more complicated approach, in which the implants and the scar capsule are removed from the breasts. The most extensive option for removing breast implants is an en bloc capsulectomy, during which the implants and scar capsule are removed in one piece.
After the implants are removed, there are options to still improve the appearance of your breasts which include replacing the implants, a breast lift, or breast reduction.

What is the procedure for an en bloc capsulectomy?

An en bloc capsulectomy is a procedure in which the implant and surrounding scar tissue are removed in one piece with the implant within it. The benefit of an en bloc capsulectomy is that it prevents the implant from touching normal tissues. This is particularly useful in the case of implant rupture. However, an en bloc capsulectomy may pose challenges to surgeons and patients. This procedure is more difficult than standard implant removal as it requires more time, more effort to retract tissue, and more attention to detail. Additionally, the capsules can be thin and flimsy and unable to be removed in one piece.

Who is a candidate for en bloc capsulectomy?

Not all patients are candidates for en bloc capsulectomy. Sometimes the capsule or shell around the implant is so thin that it is impossible to remove in one piece. This is especially true for thin capsular tissue adjacent to the ribcage. When you choose to have breast implant removal surgery, know there are a number of options available, and you should always discuss with Dr. Dawli about which option is right for you.

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